
The month of February is America Heart Association Month, during this month the Student Council will be doing varies activities each week to bring more awareness to a healthy lifestyle. 

National FFA Week: Let's celebrate with another Spirit week, February 18th-22nd

2/18- Yee Haw Day; dress like a cowboy/girl. 
2/19- Camo day; wear shades of camouflage. 
2/20- American Flag Day; show your pride wear Red, White and Blue gear.
2/21- Wear Navy Blue and Corn Gold in support of FFA

The Student Council would like to invite all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to a Game Night this Friday, February 21st from 3:00 - 4:45! 

Admission is $3.

At the Game Night there will be:

  • Student council run games and activities in the gym

  • Board games in the cafeteria

  • Snack concessions for sale

Students will need to remain in the game areas throughout the event; walking around school hallways is not permitted. Once a student leaves the building, they will not be allowed to return. Students will need to make arrangements for pick up on their own. 

We hope that this will be a fun opportunity for students to get together and play games during this snowy season. 

Please reach out to Jess Luecke or Izzy Johnston if you have any questions.

Our after school study program is:

A thank you to Lakeland University, Howards Grove High School Student Council, Howards Grove High National Honor Society, and Mr. Dan McMullen for helping support our students. This program meets in our library on Mondays and Thursdays after school from 3-3:45 PM. There will be a skyward email sent monthly with the schedule for families.

Student Council meets every Wednesday after school 3:00-3:30.

Chess Club is on Thursdays from 3:00-3:45pm in the Library, pick up will be in the front. ( If you would like to sign up for this club, please see Mr. McMullen.)

7/8 FFA Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month, in Rm 7, right after school.

Bell Schedule 24/25 School Year


7:25 AM   Five minute warning bell
7:30 AM   This indicates the start of the school day.  

5th and 6th 

  • Recess: 11:17-11:37
  • Lunch: 11:38-11:53

7th and 8th  

  • Lunch: 11:58-12:13
  • Recess: 12:14-12:34

2:51 PM, for students riding the bus.
2:53 PM, for Parent pick-up is in the back of the building. Please do not pick up in the front, on Kennedy Ave, or on 32 for safety concerns.
2:55 PM, for students walking home.

If you arrive after 3:00 pm, it is safe to pick up your child in the front of the building.